Azan is an invitation to obey God, pray, guide, and honor His Dargah. Azan is the call of God's love to the body and the joy of the heart. Azaan is an opportunity to chase away Satan from the heart and body.
Azan in the dictionary means "announcement":
"Azan" is to announce that Allah is the only One worthy of worship and worship, that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the last true prophet sent to all mankind, and that our religion is the religion of introducing unparalleled justice and freedom in the whole world.
"Azan" means to learn the Qur'an and the Sunnah and distinguish between faith and disbelief, good and bad, halal and haram.
"Azan" is to express that acting in the direction of purity of belief and religion based on the sect of Ahli Sunna wal Jama'ah is the most correct way for all Muslims.
"Azan" is to say that Islam enjoins people to justice, goodness, charity, mercy, kindness, moderation, moderation, goodness, and on the other hand, it discourages them from tyranny, tyranny, corruption, evil, enmity, corruption, aggression, heresies and superstitions.
"Azan" means to follow the path shown by Allah, following them, not to get involved in various sects and differences, but rather to introduce religious brotherhood and mutual solidarity, relying on the experience of righteous predecessors and great mujtahids.
"Azan" - the basic rights of all people in the society - to live, to maintain dignity and respect, to choose faith and religion, to think and search, to acquire knowledge, to protect ownership and property, to be safe from danger, to work honestly, to be equal with all people, freedom from birth, freedom, fair trial, free travel and migration, marriage and family formation, reformation of wrongs, commanding good and forbidding evil.
"Azan" is to announce that our religion promotes kindness, equality, harmony and mutual respect among the people, even to the representatives of other religions, faiths and nationalities, and raises the honor of women.
"Azan" is a declaration that our religion is the last true religion that defines the way of life of mankind, surrounds it with moral rules, protects it from all evil and sins, calls only to goodness, goodness, and righteous deeds, and offers divine justice.
This is our Azan!
From now on, "Azan" is looking at wider horizons, while before it was more concerned with the problems of the nation, now it started to deal with the problems of the whole ummah. Our goal has not changed, it has only expanded - to serve all the ummah, including you dear ones, and our goal is the same - to find the approval of God Almighty. We request you to follow us, do not miss your valuable thoughts, advice and recommendations regarding the materials we publish and keep us in your prayers.

AzonGlobal editorial team

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