and what did the presidents of Tajikistan agree on in Dushanbe?

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid a state visit to Tajikistan on April 18-19 at the invitation of Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon. During the visit, Shavkat Mirziyoyev held talks with Emomali Rahman in a narrow and expanded format, and also held meetings with the chairman of the lower house of the Parliament of Tajikistan Mahmadtoir Zakirzoda and the prime minister Kahir Rasulzoda. Brief details of the visit.

April 18

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who came to Tajikistan on a state visit, was met by President Emomali Rahmon at the airport of the capital.

An honor guard lined up in honor of the high-ranking guest and the national flags of the two countries were raised. Representatives of Tajik youth and creative communities also took part in welcoming the President of Uzbekistan.

A solemn ceremony dedicated to the official welcome of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took place at the "Qasri Millat" residence in Dushanbe.

After the ceremony, a small meeting of Shavkat Mirziyoev and Emomali Rahmon took place in this residence.

The leaders confirmed their desire to continue constructive cooperation within the framework of regional structures and international organizations in order to promote the interests of Central Asia and ensure its sustainable development.

Negotiations were continued with the participation of the official delegations of the two countries.

During the negotiations, the issues of deepening the strategic partnership and alliance relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, first of all, in the political, trade-economic, transport-communication and cultural-humanitarian spheres, were thoroughly discussed.

Also, issues of continuing constructive and mutually beneficial dialogue on water use issues were discussed.

At the end of the negotiations, the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon , signed the Agreement on Union Relations.

In general, during the visit, 28 documents covering almost all directions of multifaceted cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, including:

- Agreement on cooperation in the field of industry;

- Agreement on cooperation in the field of industrial property protection;

- Agreement on cooperation in the field of certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel;

- Agreement on scientific cooperation between academies of sciences;

- protocols on amendments and additions to agreements on border crossing points, international road and air traffic;

- Protocol on cooperation in the field of veterinary and food safety;

- Protocol on cooperation between the agencies for the development of competition and the protection of consumer rights;

- "roadmaps" for the further development of cooperation in the field of culture and tourism, cooperation in the agro-industrial complex;

- Cooperation agreements and "roadmaps" for 2024-2026 and other documents were signed between Andijan, Namangan, Syrdarya, Fergana, Khorezm regions and Sogd region, Kashkadarya region and Khatlon region.

After the negotiations, they made a statement for the representatives of mass media.

- I emphasize once again that Tajikistan is the closest, reliable, centuries-tested strategic partner for Uzbekistan. The brotherly Uzbek and Tajik peoples are closely connected by centuries-old ties of friendship. We are united by common history, cultural and spiritual values, traditions and customs , - said Shavkat Mirziyoev.

An awarding ceremony was held for a group of cultural and artistic figures of the two countries who were awarded high honorary titles by the decrees of the presidents.

Mirali Dostizoda, rector of the National Conservatory of Tajikistan, Ismail Nazriev, associate professor of the National Conservatory of Tajikistan, Furqat Saidzoda, head of the "Shoshmaqom" ensemble named after F. Shakhobov of the Television and Radio Committee under the Government of Tajikistan, Tolkin Tajiboev, head of the Bobojon Gafurov District Shoshmakom Ensemble, Tajikistan State Philharmonic named after A. Joraev. The artistic director of the Falak ensemble, Rahmatullo Hoshimov, was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Professor Munojatkhan Yolchieva of the Maqom Singing Department of the National Institute of Music of Uzbekistan, Ozodbek Nazarbekov, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ogabek Sobirov, the artistic director of the song and dance ensemble of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan "Lazgi" and singer Yulduz Usmanova were awarded the honorary title of "People's Court of Tajikistan", National Academician of Uzbekistan The director of the drama theater, Yodgor Sadiev, was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist of Tajikistan".

Heads of state solemnly handed over badges of honorary titles to their owners.

An "Evening of Friendship" was held at the "Kohi Borbad" art palace in Dushanbe with the participation of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan art masters. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon watched the concert together.

April 19

On April 19, Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with the Chairman of the Representative Assembly of the Oliy Majlis of Tajikistan Mahmadtoir Zakirzoda.

Issues of expanding effective contacts at the level of sectoral committees and regional councils were discussed in order to further activate inter-parliamentary exchange, support and promote cooperation projects and cultural-humanitarian programs.

The important role of the deputies of the two countries in the implementation of parliamentary control over the approval of accepted documents and the timely implementation of high-level agreements was noted.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev received Prime Minister of Tajikistan Kahir Rasulzade in Dushanbe.

It was emphasized the need to develop a "road map" and systematically organize the meetings of the prime ministers to ensure that all the agreements reached at the meeting are implemented by the governments of the two countries.

The opening ceremony of the new building of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Tajikistan was held in Dushanbe.

The presidents got acquainted with the conditions created for diplomats in the embassy building.

The presidents of the two countries visited the exhibition of goods and products of Uzbekistan in the EXPO center in Dushanbe.

At the national exhibition of industrial products of Uzbekistan held in Tajikistan, 200 production and trading enterprises exhibited more than 1,500 samples of products related to the mechanical engineering, chemical, light, textile, and pharmaceutical industries, as well as construction materials, perfumery, household goods, 60 types of equipment, printing and displayed consumer electronics products.

The events within the framework of the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Tajikistan have come to an end.

President Emomali Rahman escorted the head of state at Dushanbe International Airport. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev returned to Tashkent.

Cooperation between the two countries

The volume of trade between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan has increased 40 times in recent years.

The number of joint ventures increased 15 times. Currently, more than 400 Uzbek-Tajik joint enterprises are operating in the territory of the two countries.

The volume of trade between the two countries will reach 2 billion dollars.

"Oybek-Fotekhabad" cross-border free trade zone and "Andarkhan" trade and logistics center will be established.

New air routes will be opened between the cities of the two countries, and the number of flights between the capitals will be increased.

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