
After the terrorist attack in "Crocus City Hall", there are calls in Russia to cancel the visa-free regime with the countries of Central Asia. These proposals have been raised from social networks to the state level. Experts - about the possibilities and consequences of canceling the visa-free regime.

After the terrorist attack in "Crocus City Hall", Russia again started discussions with Central Asian countries about canceling the visa-free regime. This topic should be regularly discussed in RF . Even the dissident Alexei Navalny, who died in the colony, was a supporter of the visa regime with Central Asia for a long time. After the terrorist attack, which was allegedly committed by the citizens of Tajikistan, this idea is being promoted almost at the state level. In particular, State Duma deputy Sergey Mironov is among those who expressed this. talked to experts from Kazakhstan and Russia about the reality of canceling the visa-free regime and what it might lead to.

Violation of the terms of the union

According to Arkady Dubnov, a Russian expert on Central Asia, these calls are unlikely to be implemented. According to him, such ideas indicate that the Russian elite is in chaos due to the inability to confront the threat of terrorism.

According to Dubnov, such populist statements can be an attempt to attract the attention of the "deep people" of Russia , whose representatives have become more and more chauvinistic towards the people of Central Asia in recent years.

Kazakh political scientist and international relations expert Anuar Bakhitkhanov also calls the statements of Russian politicians populist.

"The statements of Russian politicians about the introduction of a visa regime with the countries of Central Asia against the background of the terrible terrorist attack in Moscow, I think, correspond to the current mood of Russian citizens and reconnection with the people "It was made to look like it was installed , " he says.

Arkady Dubnov reminds that some post-Soviet countries , including Central Asian countries, continue close relations with Russia even after the collapse of the USSR. In particular, we are talking about EOII, which includes Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

"If we talk about canceling the visa-free regime with these two countries, then there is a question about canceling some basic conditions for the work of EOII - free movement of people, capital, etc. And this is a very political issue ... And even based on these considerations, it seems unreasonable to me to abandon the visa-free regime, because it creates a risk of disintegration of the EOII" , believes Dubnov.

"Such populist statements are untrue and contrary to our values and all the previously reached agreements of our countries, especially the activities of the EOII. No matter how good the visa regime is, it hinders free trade, not to mention tourism and other sectors of the economy," the political scientist believes.

Vast Russian expanses

Arkady Dubnov gives other arguments against the introduction of visas with Central Asian countries. According to him, the citizens of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan want to feed their families, but, unable to do so at home, try to go to the Russian Federation in one way or another:

"If Russia introduces a visa, what should they do? In the conditions of other, so to speak, more civilized relations between Tajikistan and Russia, citizens of Tajikistan will have to apply for a work visa. For this, it is necessary to draw up an invitation letter from the employer and an employment contract from Russia. But experience shows that these people cannot receive an invitation before coming to the Russian Federation, because in this case they must be guaranteed a minimum wage. And the current employer of Russia is not able to do this, because it relies on an unskilled labor force .

At the same time, the expert notes that relations between workers from Central Asia and employers in Russia are semi-legal. The first receives a salary " in the envelope ", and the second, accordingly, does not pay taxes and other fees .

"Damage will be felt not only by those who are looking for work in Russia, but also by the employers themselves. And it means the largest economic sectors: housing and communal economy, construction and service sector. Even so , there are not enough employees for them in Russia, " the expert explains.

If the visa-free regime with Central Asia is canceled, the second option for entering Russia will be tourist visas. According to Arkady Dubnov, this is acceptable for radicals possible

"Let's say a person came to Russia as a tourist, found a job, that is, broke the law, and goes to places where he cannot be found. "It will be absorbed into the vast expanses of Russia and will become inaccessible to the authorities, " the expert believes.

"Not only do I not see the prospect of canceling the visa-free regime, but if we believe that a partially healthy leadership is at the head of Russia, I do not see the possibility of this," Anuar Bakhatkhanov said.

Anuar Bakhitkh a nov also reminded that the visa regime applies to both those who are introduced and those who introduce it.

"The party introducing the visa regime should also understand how this phenomenon affects other countries," the expert said.

According to Bakhitkh anov , if Russia introduces the visa, it will definitely be bad news for Kazakhstan. However, he believes that adaptation to changes will be very fast.

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