29.04.2024 17:02

How did the public react to the fact that gambling was allowed in Uzbekistan?

By the decree of the President, from January 2025, it was allowed to organize and conduct risk-based games (online gambling - ed.), bookmaking activities on the Internet in Uzbekistan. How did the public accept this decision? Azon Global studied the reaction of social media users to this decision.

On April 19, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the decree "On measures to improve the regulation of the organization and conduct of lotteries and games of risk."

According to the decree, from January 1, 2025, it was allowed to organize risk-based games (online gambling - ed.) and bookmaking activities on the Internet. The National Agency of Prospective Projects explained this decision by the fact that the existing prohibitions are not working in practice, 350 million - 1 billion dollars are leaving the country annually.

How was the decision received by the public? Azon Global studied the reaction of social media users to this decision.

Gambling regulations

Gambling is a game between winning and losing. Its evil is that it passes on to others while the rights of some people are dissatisfied.

The scholars agreed that all forms of gambling are haram. Allah Almighty says:

"O you who believe! Indeed, alcohol, gambling, idols, and (divining) sticks are impure. They are the work of Satan. So stay away from them. Perhaps you will be saved" (Surat Al-Maida, verse 90).

Allah explains the wisdom of the prohibition of gambling as follows:

"Surely, because of drinking and gambling, Satan wants to create enmity and hatred between you and prevent you from remembering Allah and praying. Will you stop now?!" (Allah the Most High calls these two things - khamr and gambling as "filth and the work of the devil". Because God is kind to His servants, He forbids them from dirt and the work of the devil. Just as He forbids unclean foods because they are harmful, He also forbids unclean things because they are harmful to His servants. ). (Surat al-Maida, verse 91).

Money earned by a gambler is filthy lucre. A person who finds wealth from a illegitimate person should dispose of it as soon as possible. This is done either by returning the property to its owner or, if it is not found, by giving it to the poor.

According to Jumhur Fuqaha's ruling, it is makruh to greet the sinners who commit the sin of gambling.

Since gambling is a grave sin, the testimony of a gambler is not accepted. Played it once though.

Leaders should prohibit sinful activities, including gambling. Those who are proven to be gamblers must be punished.

It was abridged from the "Big Fiqh Encyclopedia" which is being prepared for publication.

Teacher Mubashshir Ahmed

Drives players into debt and crime

The annual turnover of gambling in Kazakhstan exceeds 1 trillion tenge ($2.2 billion). According to unofficial data, the number of regular gamblers ranges from 300,000 to 1 million people, most of whom are schoolchildren and young people.

This costly activity in every way drives players into debt and crime.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 20 percent or 31 thousand of criminal cases are related to gambling.

There were 3,676 suicides during this time, with one in five deaths due to gambling and related debt.

At the moment, gambling is completely legal in Kazakhstan, the bookmaker is the largest advertiser in the country, and all attempts by some MPs and society to limit the activity and advertising are strongly opposed.

We are waiting for worse. Kazakhstan has 20 million inhabitants. In Uzbekistan - 37.


There is no anti-addiction gene

Gambling will be partially banned from next year. Gambling is probably a complex activity that combines all the bad deeds. It leads to lies, drunkenness, adultery, and even death.

Those who know about gambling know that until recently, gamblers exceeded their limits. Karim means lame. They say that he lost everything and got it back from gambling. When the father said that he had lost the house, and we were going to let him go, they said that his mother died because she couldn't bear it.

They would even involve their wives in the game, and if the wife lost, they would win the right to spend the night together. It was thrown in the middle, and sugar was made, Man and woman were valued. Those who could not pay their debts were killed as a lesson to the rest.

The films "Changak", "Toychok", "Oyn" are very well covered.

What's worse is that people are prone to addiction, and in the absence of an anti-addiction gene, a person cannot stop themselves from addiction. It is possible to stop it by saying that it is not possible only with education.

It's a little easier for families with strong values. It is possible to separate black and white by saying that it is not good.

But it affects a layer far from religion and values. Because the advice of parents and society doesn't work, they say that if you say it's a sin, don't be a mullah. Values are not recognized. Neither society nor family can save.

The day of "Yo Jamshid, live gambling" has come.

Protect your loved ones, then it won't be too late.

Hajiakbar Rajab


Online gambling has ruined the homes of thousands of our compatriots!

Ruined thousands of families!

Those who hanged themselves!

There have been and still are people who fled to Russia due to debt!

There were homeless people on the street!

There were people who broke up with their families because of this trouble..!

How many civil servants...


Dima Kayum


We saw people who bet their entire wealth, house, even their wife.

We saw bankers who gambled the state and people's money.

We saw people who bet everything on gambling, got into huge debt, and then committed suicide.

We saw people who lost their lives, lost their family, career, and reputation because of gambling.

I am afraid that the Motherland, our mines, our big factories, the dignity, honor and glory of our people will be thrown away!

Only those who play win, not those who play! Those who gave permission, those who gave permission, are the same - those who gamble!

Sanjar Said


In the video ( video ), Nigerians who lost everything in gambling spend the night in a casino.

60 million in Nigeria (32% of the population) people gamble. Mostly men between 24-40 years old.

Due to high inflation and unemployment in Nigeria, many people choose to gamble.

Drug addiction has become a serious problem in Nigeria due to the depression caused by gambling.

Gambling has caused divorces to multiply in Nigeria, and the age of marriage has increased.

The Nigerian government earns $1.5 billion from gambling, but people lose $10,000 a year, even killing themselves for losing $300.

It is not necessary to derail people's lives because of a few billions in the budget.

Habibjon Hamidov

Because of gambling, he executed his wife in prostration...

This is my nephew Marufjan. He is gone now. He was executed by stabbing him in 13 places while prostrating during noon prayer. Thank you for the 10th grade. My wonderful, humble, loving nephew was my aunt's only son. The killer is also not a stranger - my great aunt has only one son.

Merchant in the market. XBet gambles and goes into debt of $5,000. Marufjan's mother, knowing that she has money, enters her house. He gets up [for prayer] at noon with Marufjan, stabs and executes a boy who is standing in prostration in order to get money from the house. Marufjan's strength is not enough. So, he died in the ambulance. He just said goodbye to his mother. All the relatives, my aunt is still [deeply saddened]. A deep wound was left in our hearts. A mother's hopes were dashed. My second aunt was separated from her child for 21 years. There are many families in our country who are oppressed by such gambling.

Sanjar Khidirov

Assassination due to debt

It happened a few months ago. I called Ayam and asked how she was doing:

- Are you okay, aren't you tired? What's up?

- Today, two funerals came out of the village. I am tired after going to Taziya.

- Inna lillaah, who passed?

- Two years. One of them, a neighbor of your aunt, fell unconscious after drinking vodka, and died of a coma. The second is the son of so-and-so, he is studying in the 3rd year at the medical institute. He gambled on the phone and lost. Yesterday he came home from Samarkand, entered the barn and hanged himself. His mother is burning. 23 years old...

- I didn't even know how to say "May God have mercy on me", was the funeral read?...

Our conversation lasted a long time. I did not forget this verse:

"O you who believe, alcohol (drinking intoxicating liquor), gambling (gambling), idols (i.e. worshiping them) and sticks (i.e. divination with sticks) are evil works of Satan. So stay away from each of them so that you may be saved." Because of drunkenness and gambling, Satan wants to enmity you and stop you from praying and remembering God! (Surat al-Maida, verses 90-91)

How much a person needs the word of his Lord, to live in obedience to it, and through this to protect and isolate himself, to realize that no one but God has mercy on his soul!

May Allah bless our end.

May He be sufficient for those who cause the youth to lose their youth with the rijs of Satan - dirty things.

(Statistics about gambling leading to suicide below.)

Robiyakhan Najmiddinova

Gambling mainly affects young people

It was 2018. An acquaintance of mine asked for money to develop his business. It is not some new project, but he took money assuring that he could not provide funds for his ongoing work, that the buyer was ready, and that he would make a profit from the first month.

I believed him because he has a craft in his hands, and because I have known him for a long time.

As he said, he brought a share of profit in the first month. The second month was repeated.

It all started in the third month.

He went missing. The phones are off. He doesn't come home. It was anonymous.

I was calm because I already knew. One day he got in touch and asked for more money, pretending that he had received an order for an even bigger product.

What he said now was suspicious. Because he talked a lot, he also lied a lot. There was no confidence left in his voice.

He insisted that the old agreement was valid and we ended the conversation.

Later, relatives said, he got involved in gambling. I also contacted him, at first he didn't admit it, but then he found out that I had heard from his relatives. He stated that the amount of the debt had increased, and to get out of the previous bad luck, he again sought salvation from gambling. It was known that he was very sorry.

6 years later, he still hasn't recovered, he couldn't recover. He sold his belongings, and even then the trouble in his head did not go away.

Gambling can break anyone's back. In any case, those who could not restrain themselves were restrained by the law.

Now that such games are officially allowed by law, many people are worried, mainly young people suffer, thefts increase, and suicides begin.

Sherzod Sharif

Society must condemn

I think gambling is not like vodka or tobacco, it's worse, like a drug. I don't really support legalization. Even if the law allows it, it should be condemned more by the society. It should not become normal.

Vodka's pleasure is short-lived. "Azartnyy" game's excitement and fun competes with drugs. It lasts long and long. Even a smart person who falls into a gambling trap takes a long time to get out.

Jamshid @quloqsiz_bola

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