Azerbaijan demanded the immediate return of 4 villages occupied by Armenia . It was also said that the issue of returning 4 more villages occupied by Armenians will be resolved during the demarcation process.

Azerbaijan demanded immediate return of 4 villages occupied by Armenia.

According to the press service of Shahin Mustafoev, Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan, Co-Chairman of the Azerbaijan-Armenia Border Demarcation Commission, the parties have met 7 times so far , and work is currently underway to create a regulatory framework for demarcation of the border.

"Lately, the Armenian mass media has been publishing false news about the occupation of 31 villages of Armenia by Azerbaijan. "It is absolutely baseless to say that the lands belonging to Armenia were 'occupied' before the borders were established," the statement said.

The document states that "4 villages (Baganis-Ayrim, Lower Eskipara, Geyrimli and Kyzilkhajili) are under the occupation of Armenia and are not exclaves, they belong to Azerbaijan unconditionally and should be returned immediately. The issue of the return of 4 exclave villages occupied by Armenia (Yukori Eskipara, Sofulu, Berhudarli and Kerki) will be resolved within the framework of the demarcation process.

We remind you that during the 1st Karabakh war in 1993, Armenia occupied 7 villages of Gazakh district and 1 village of Nakhichevan, Karabakh and neighboring districts . During the 2nd Karabakh war , which took place in the fall of 2020, Karabakh and its neighboring districts were liberated from occupation, 8 villages, 4 of which were exclaves, remained under the control of Armenians.

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