A 56-year-old man living in the Bulungur district of the Samarkand region went to work in Russia, where he participated in the war against Ukraine for financial gain. He was sentenced to three years in prison.

A criminal case against a citizen of Uzbekistan who participated in the war in Ukraine was considered in the Jomboy district court of Samarkand region. This was reported in the "Zamon" program.

According to the documents, in 2023, while working in the city of Saint Petersburg, the defendant was recruited into the ranks of the Russian armed forces for material benefit, while being a citizen of Uzbekistan, without being a citizen or military serviceman of the conflicting state.

During this time, the man participated in military operations against Ukraine. He also received Russian citizenship. He underwent military training to participate in armed conflicts between the two countries.

"They said they are giving you passports (those who participated in the war - ed.). Then it was said that you can walk freely and do what you want. Who wouldn't love an offer like that? They told us that we will not be banned anywhere, and they gave us a military ID while remaining Uzbek citizenship," said the defendant.

The injured person returned to Uzbekistan as a result of various attacks that took place in October 2023. When the phone belonging to him was checked, a military certificate for joining the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces, a certificate of being injured in a military hospital belonging to the Ministry of Defense, and photos of the passport of Russian citizenship were found.

The defendant was found guilty of committing the crime specified in Article 154-1 of the Criminal Code (enlisting in the military service, security, police, military justice bodies or other similar bodies of foreign countries), applying Article 57 of the Code (Lesser punishment) was deprived of liberty for three years. It was determined that the sentence will be served in a colony of general order

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