Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on granting Russian citizenship to foreigners who signed a contract to serve in the Armed Forces, RIA Novosti reported .

"Foreign citizens who have signed a contract to perform military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military structures during a special military operation have the right to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation," the decree reads.

According to it, foreigners who served in the Armed Forces or military units during the war waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as soldiers who retired from the army during this period, will be able to get a Russian passport.

According to the document, foreigners applying for Russian citizenship must register their fingerprints. In addition, spouses and children of foreigners who have applied for Russian citizenship due to serving in the Armed Forces must submit a medical certificate confirming that "they do not take narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances without a doctor's prescription, as well as do not have infectious diseases that pose a danger to others." necessary.

They will also need an HIV-free certificate.

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