A person who tried to steal money from a donation box at the "Yusuf Hamadoni" shrine in Shavat district of Khorezm region was arrested. This person turned out to be a 33-year-old resident of Gurlan district.

A person who tried to open a donation box at the "Yusuf Hamadoni" shrine in Shavat district of Khorezm region was caught by a security guard. "Khorazm Bagun" Telegram channel reports that the incident happened on September 25 of this year at 06:15 in the morning.

When the security department of the Shavat district arrived at the scene and investigated the situation, it was revealed that the person who tried to steal the money from the donation box was 33-year-old MM, a resident of the Gurlan district.

At present, the investigation is being carried out by the responsible officers of the regional police department.

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