An Israeli military doctor spoke about the Israeli army's looting and burning of houses in the Gaza Strip and the extrajudicial execution of Palestinian prisoners . According to him, the Israeli military stole a large number of mattresses, gas stoves, children's toys, and vacuum cleaners from the homes of Gazans.

Ediot Akhronot newspaper chief analyst Nahum Barnea recently published a letter from a reserve paratrooper brigade doctor who completed two months of military service in the Gaza Strip.

Barnea, who did not identify the doctor, said he was quoting the letter "verbatim."

The doctor said that the events of October 7 aroused feelings of anger and revenge in Israelis , and these feelings, which affected him as well, led the military to "mutiny". According to him, "army forces looted and burned houses in Gaza, executed prisoners."

Israeli soldiers even steal vacuum cleaners from Palestinian homes

"Robbery has become almost institutionalized," wrote an Israeli military doctor . "It started with the confiscation of a large number of mattresses, gas stoves and gas cylinders from houses , and continued with the taking away of small items such as children's tables and small toys. Smaller and less disciplined forces stole phones, vacuum cleaners, motorcycles and bicycles .

She said she was embarrassed by what was happening and "at some point she stopped asking for comments because she took it as a nuisance." An Israeli military doctor said that the Israeli army carried out operations with the intention of causing harm.

The Israeli doctor added that the looting and arson show a lack of discipline in the army.

"Army forces started setting fire to houses from time to time, but the brigade commander said it was not a problem for him. There is almost no barrier to the political -- mostly right-wing and often extremist -- messages that soldiers spread. And the leadership turns a blind eye to it," he said.

Israeli soldiers are executing Palestinian prisoners

The doctor said that one of the 5 members of the Izzeddin al-Qassam brigade captured in the clashes in Gaza suffered a broken leg. He pointed out that he faced a negative attitude of the military during the treatment and helped him. After the clash, one of the Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian prisoner.

According to him, Israeli troops shot another member of the "Qassam" group, who was captured during the interrogation.

"I'm not a pacifist myself , but those wearing Israeli military uniforms cross all borders wherever they go, " said the doctor.

According to the chief analyst of G newspaper, such incidents happen often. He heard about similar incidents in the evacuated Israeli towns on the border with Lebanon.

In a statement, the Gaza government's press service said, "The occupying army has burned 3,000 houses during the genocidal war against the Gaza Strip.

Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported on February 1 that hundreds of Palestinian homes were irreparably damaged by Israeli attacks.

According to these reports, Israeli army commanders "without legal authorization" ordered the military to burn abandoned houses in the Gaza Strip, which has been under attack since October 7.

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