Ramadan is a real treasure for Muslims all over the world. So, let's not miss the opportunity to change our inner world and share a positive mindset with others.

The month of Ramadan is here . Before Ramadan comes, there are those who eagerly wait for it, and therefore, plans for the holy month should be made in advance. Many people associate a lot of hopes and plans with the month of Ramadan.

When the moon has just arrived, it seems that there is still time to say and fulfill our intentions and prayers. But, in fact, it turns out to be the opposite: the month passes quickly, and sometimes we do not have time to do even half of what we planned. Therefore, we would like to share a few tips that will help you plan and spend this blessed month properly.

Let's be a little more polite!

Jarir ibn Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates:

"The Messenger of Allah, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, said: "He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of all good things." (Narrated by Imam Abu Dawud).

Gentleness, kindness is the remedy for the worst character and the reason for the forgiveness of a person's sins. Indeed, Allah is kind and merciful to His servants, and He likes this quality in people very much.

Unfortunately, not everyone has this quality, so we have to work on acquiring it. Our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, turned to Aisha and said: "O Aisha, be gentle. Undoubtedly, if modesty is present in anything, it will beautify it, and if it is removed from it, it will make it guilty" (Abu Dawud, Imam Muslim).

Each of us has an example. It can be our children, relatives or friends.

Now think for yourself, if we don't work on ourselves, what kind of example will we show them? What better time to cleanse yourself than during Ramadan? That's why in the holy month of Ramadan, we should use all our efforts to eliminate our spiritual shortcomings and believe that we will definitely succeed!

Smile more!

During Ramadan, you should radically change your attitude towards people and, of course, smile at them more often. Abu Dharr, may God be pleased with him, narrates: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

"Giving your brother a smile on his face is also charity" (Tirmizi).

Think, dear ones, how easily we can earn our merits, even by smiling at our near and dear ones. The Messenger of God, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, did the same, many hadiths testify to this.

Jarir, may God bless him and grant him peace, could enter the presence of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he had won his trust. Every time he saw him, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would smile.

By the way, smiling is also useful because it improves our mood. When we smile, our muscles relax, blood flow improves, and oxygen fills the body. When we smile, we develop the diaphragm muscles and the air ventilation in the lungs increases.

Based on the above, I will remind you once again: smile at your loved ones as often as possible, and you will not only make them happy, but also yourself!

Stop worrying about trivial things

It is important to focus on the essentials during Ramadan. The main thing is to spend the fast in a way that earns the approval and forgiveness of Allah.

Islam is a way of life for every believer. And the servant's prayer to the Almighty Creator ...

It was narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

"Every good deed of a human being is rewarded with more. One good deed can be rewarded from ten to seven hundred times. Allah says: Illa, fasting is an exception. Because fasting is for Me and I reward it. The fasting person renounces his lust and food for the sake of Me. The fasting person has two joys. One at the time of breaking the fast, and the other at the time of worshiping God. There is no doubt that the smell of a fasting person's mouth is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of a musky storehouse. Fasting is a fortress. Whoever of you is fasting, let him not abuse anyone or raise his voice. If someone scolds or fights with him, he should say to him: "I am fasting". (Bukhari and Muslim).

It is known that the difference between fasting and other acts of charity is that, unlike other forms of worship such as prayer, charity or Hajj, fasting involves less lies and hypocrisy. At the end of the day, no one knows if we are fasting or not unless we say so ourselves.

As we can see, the month of Ramadan is a real treasure for Muslims all over the world. So, let's not miss the opportunity to change our inner world and share a positive mindset with others.

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