Malik bin Dinor was asked what caused him to repent. He replied: "I used to be a heavy drinker. I bought one for fun. After some time, we became girls. I loved my daughter very much. He grew up crawling, then walking. Whenever I tried to drink vodka, he would grab my hand and spill the vodka. He died when he was two years old. I'm sad...

It was the month of Sha'ban. One day I fell asleep drunk after midnight. I had a dream. As if the doomsday has come. I came out of my grave. When I look like this, a big dragon is standing next to me, trying to eat me. I was afraid of him and ran away, and he started chasing after me. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't escape him completely. As I ran, I met an elderly man in a white dress on the road. To him:

"Father, save me from that dragon." "He wants to eat me, he wants to kill me," I begged. SHE IS:

"O my son, I am old and weak, he is stronger than me, I am not strong enough for him. "You run away and continue on your way, maybe God will save you from him." I started running faster. The dragon would not leave my tracks. I ran into the layers of hell. Hell was hot and boiling. I almost fell for it. Then someone:

He said, "You are not one of my people." I turned from there and started to run away again. The dragon was still chasing. I approached the mountain with a dazzling light. There were castles on the mountain, and their doors and curtains stood out. At this point someone:

"Save this wretch before you reach the enemy and kill him!" said. The doors were opened, the curtains were raised, and the moon-faced children came out. My daughter was with them. He saw me and came down to me. He hit the dragon with his right hand and ran away. Then he sat on my knees and said:

"O father, hasn't the time come for the believers to turn their hearts to the remembrance of Allah and the revealed truth (Qur'an)?" (Surah Hadid verse 16) said.

"My daughter, do you also know the Qur'an?" "Yes, we know better than you," he answered.

"What are you doing here?"

"We are the dead young children of Muslims. We will live here waiting for you until the Day of Judgment."

"My daughter, what was the dragon that chased me and tried to kill me?"

"O father, it is your bad deeds. You have strengthened it and multiplied it. That's why he wanted to kill you."

"Who was the old man who was still mumbling?"

"He is your good deed. You have weakened it - reduced it. Therefore, he did not have the power to do your evil deeds. Repent to God. Don't be one of those who will perish," he went up. I woke up startled and immediately repented to God."

O brother, see the blessing of a child who dies young, be it a boy or a girl. If parents persevere in the hope of reward and say, "Surely we are in the will of Allah and surely we are the ones who will return to Him", many other benefits promised by Allah will be created for them.

From the book "Sinful Elders".

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