Do you want to know the wisdom of fasting?

The piety of a fasting person increases . Allah, the Exalted, said that He made fasting obligatory for the previous ummahs in the Holy Qur'an, and He also made it obligatory for this Ummah Muhammadiyya, and at the end of the verse, he emphasized that you will surely be pious. Due to fasting, a person's ability to feel that he sees his Lord, and the feeling of fearing him, increases even more. By fasting, the servant submits to his Lord and obeys his command by saying ``labbay''.

Fasting is one of the main factors that prevent the eye from looking at the unfaithful and weakens the satanic ego that encourages evil. Because with its help, a person overcomes all desires of the soul. With this, a person's experience of coping with difficulties, hardships, and patience increases.

Another wisdom of fasting is to remember the situation of the helpless, the poor, and the poor . If one is not hungry and thirsty, how can he know the hardships of the poor! A person who fasts has experienced the pain of hunger and thirst and knows well how poor people live. While we are living a rich and prosperous life in our life, in many cases, we forget to remember the condition of our relatives, neighbors, and people around us. On the streets, on the bus, when we get on the subway, when we go to the market, in general, we come across situations where we should learn from many places, but we pass by without paying attention. That is why the expression "What does a full stomach have to do with an hungry one" is not for nothing.

In fact , sometimes when we pass in front of poor people, we forget that they are human like us, they want to live a comfortable life like us, and that their little children, like our children, deserve the love of their parents and the attention of the people around them.

Yes, a person is forgetful and sometimes ungrateful, because he forgets that he was in the same situation not long ago, when he needed the help of others: "When will I eat what I want like others?" Otherwise, he will live in a cage for the rest of his life and will not even think about the fact that such days may happen to him by divine fate. That is why, as we mentioned above, fasting makes a person benevolent, encourages him to pay attention to others, especially the poor. Whoever wants to form and strengthen the quality of compassion in himself should fast!

Another wisdom is to unite all Muslims near and far to fast in the month of Ramadan . They intend to fast at the same time and break their fast at the same time. With this, the unanimity of the whole community will be realized, both mentally and physically.

The next wisdom of fasting is that fasting is a guarantee of health for the body . A fasting person recovers his health because he fasts. Today, it is openly said that fasting is a very necessary factor not only for health care, but also for the treatment of patients. Recently, Russian scientists published a list of patients who were cured by fasting. Even cancer patients have been cured in this way. Along with being a cure for various diseases, fasting removes bad, unnecessary fats from the body, choleric-bilious, phlegmatic-phlegmatic, sanguine-blood, melancholic-black herbs. Purifies the blood, improves the stomach. As a result, the fasting person becomes much lighter, his mind is sharp, his memory is strong, and his will is strong. Many medical experts say: "Fasting makes the body healthy and strong."

Fasting is an atonement for some.

A person who fasts is characterized by the quality of angels for a certain time due to his fast. It is known that not eating, not drinking, and not having sexual intercourse, but always obeying, is a characteristic of angels.

Prepared by Giyosiddin Baratov based on sources.

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