The cause of most diseases that people don't feel hungry! It is more dangerous for humans than environmental problems from long-term satiety (resulting in excess weight, not obesity).

Starvation is a kind of sterilization of the body. A body that FEELS hungry is healthier than a body that is always full. The reason is that as a result of starvation, the process of autophagy becomes active in the human body. Autophagy is a very important and fundamental process in the purification and sterilization of organisms.

Cells age, die, and remain dead in the body. Dead cells are composed of fat, protein and carbohydrates. This "biological waste" is broken down and assimilated in the process of starvation - autophagy. As a result, the human body gets rid of dead cells - "biological waste". Cancer cells are destroyed in the same way. Or, to put it another way, it is "melted".

Starvation helps to improve the chemical composition of the blood. First of all, excess glucose does not accumulate, as a result, diabetes is prevented.

Starvation prevents the formation of cancer cells. Modern medicine has not yet proposed a preventive method of starvation in cancer patients.

Starvation helps the brain to function properly. The most interesting thing is that when a person is hungry, his memory works better, especially what he has read remains in his brain. When a person is full, the body switches to breaking down food - fat, protein and carbohydrates - not for the person. Body parts work hard. In case of hunger, the process is the opposite, the load on body parts is less. Everything wears out with use, loses its ability. So are our body parts. In the process of starvation, the organs of the body go into a state of passive rest. Note that a person defecates less often during starvation. This means that organs such as stomach, intestine, kidney, liver... are resting. Think about what you would do if you worked without rest.

Now think about it again: if the dinner is strong, the organs of the body will work at night. The person himself sleeps, and the members work and do not rest. Diseases begin from this.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) commands: "Enlighten your hearts with hunger, wage jihad against your ego and use hunger and thirst as weapons in its education..."

Abu Hamil Ghazali writes in Mukoshafatul Qulub: "Eating until the belly is full makes the heart blind and causes the loss of human qualities..."

In this work, it is written again: the stomach is compared to a pot boiling under the heart and its vapors directed towards it. As the vapor increases, the place it reaches becomes more restless and dim. Similarly, the stomach darkens and weakens as it fills. A person who eats a lot will have a weak mind and will not be able to learn. Because constant satiety and gluttony make the mind blind.

There is no call to go hungry all the time, it is only about the body feeling hunger for a certain period of time. After all, there is a difference between feeling hungry and being hungry.

So, hunger helps a person to recover both physically and mentally. Therefore, it is very beneficial for a person to feel hunger at least once a day without being full all the time.

Bakhtiyor Abdugofur, biologist, scientist, writer

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