The blessed month of Ramadan is the best month of the year in the sight of Allah Almighty. This month is the season for Muslims to increase their virtues and merits. What are the best actions to take advantage of this month to get more rewards?

The blessed month of Ramadan is the best month of the year in the sight of Allah Almighty. This month is the season for Muslims to increase their virtues and merits. Fasting in Ramadan is obligatory for an adult, intelligent Muslim. Absence of this fast is possible only for those whom Allah has permitted. They are strangers with the patient. In order for them to be allowed not to fast, the patient's illness must be aggravated, his recovery delayed, or his death threatened. And if the traveler fasts, he will have trouble during the journey and his journey will be difficult. If there are no such circumstances, both the patient and the traveler fast.

Allah Almighty is the Most Merciful. The reward for fasting is great, and no one knows its amount except Him.

Here are the great deeds to be done in such a great month:


Sahih Roza is one of the best deeds that a Muslim can perform in this month. Fasting is an intentional abstinence from food, drink, and intercourse. It also includes refraining from telling lies, backbiting, backbiting, looking at the unclean, listening to unclean things, and all bad vices. A fasting person must keep his eyes, ears, tongue, and all his organs clean. In the hadiths, it is said that if a fasting person does not refrain from sins, if he does not refrain from impurity, he will only be hungry and thirsty.

Recitation of the Qur'an

One of the best deeds for a Muslim to spend his time in the month of Ramadan is reciting the Holy Qur'an. Gori gets a hasana for every letter he reads. One hasana is multiplied by ten. Instead of sleeping, watching TV, and spending time with idle talk, a person who is fasting should spend his time reciting the Qur'an, memorizing it, and memorizing its meanings. After all, Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed.


Giving alms on ordinary days is one of the actions beloved by Allah. And in Ramadan, the reward of this deed will increase even more. There are many types of charity. For example, giving food to the poor, donating goods, donating clothes, or donating anything that anyone needs. Giving food and other good things in charity or giving money for it is the same term.

Qiyamul Lail

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, never missed the Tahajjud prayer in Ramadan. Because the nafl worship done in this month will be rewarded for the obligatory worship in other months. A person who performs Taraweeh prayer together with the imam in mosques is also considered to have spent the night awake. He, peace be upon him, used to sit in the mosque during the last ten days of this month. Because in the last ten days there is a night of value that is better than a thousand months. Our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, encouraged his ummah to spend the nights of this month awake in prayer.


Performing Umrah in the month of Ramadan is said to be equivalent to performing Hajj. Whoever has the opportunity to perform Umrah in this month should perform Umrah, because there is a great reward in doing so.

Allah's remembrance

Remembering Allah is a great deed. Dhikr means to remember Allah with words such as "Subhanallah", "Alhamdulillah", "Laa ilaaha illallah", "Allahu akbar", "Astaghfirullah" or by praying and reciting the Qur'an. Doing these actions in the month of Ramadan will increase the reward. One should try to pray a lot while opening the mouth. It is said in the news that the prayer made at this time will be answered.

Silai rahm

Silai rahm is connecting with relatives. This deed is very meritorious even on ordinary days, it is the reason that a person's life and sustenance will be blessed. But if this deed is performed in the month of Ramadan, the reward and blessings for life and sustenance will increase.

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