Even non-believers are reading the Holy Quran with interest, being amazed by the truths in the verses, and even accepting Islam. So what about us Muslims? At least let's read the translation of its Uzbek meanings. The following recommendations will certainly help us to understand the Word of our Lord more easily.

The Holy Quran consists of approximately 600 pages. If you divide it by 30, it will be enough to read 20 pages a day. Maybe it seems difficult for some reason? But if you divide them into five daily prayers, then the task will be much easier:

If you read 4 pages after each prayer in Ramadan, you can finish the entire Quran.

If you want to finish the Qur'an twice in this month, then it is enough to read 4 pages before and after each prayer.

Also, do not forget that prayers in Ramadan are rewarded more than in other months.

The more you convey this message to your friends and relatives, the more people will recite the Holy Qur'an during the holy month. And, inshallah, you will get the most benefit. Because the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever does good deeds, he will have a reward equal to the one who does it" ( Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi ) .

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