The Zionists have released a video showing the last moments of the "Lion of Gaza", after the leader of the Palestinian resistance movement, Yahya Sinwar, fought to his last breath against the Israeli invaders and died a valiant death. In fact, the goal of the invaders in spreading this video was to boast that they destroyed the leader of our greatest enemy. But with God's grace, Israel realized that it made a real mistake by revealing these images. Because in the last moments of his life, Sinvar, who tried to hit the drone with a stick in his hand, became a real hero in the whole world.

Recently, Israel's Channel 12 reported that Sinwar had already prepared for his death and left a number of instructions for his followers. As much as possible, we are translating the will written by Yahya Sinvar and bringing it to your attention.

"I am Yahya, the immigrant who turned the foreign country into a temporary homeland and a dream into an eternal campaign. I am writing these words reviving in my memory the moments of my whole life - from my childhood, to the long period of imprisonment, to every drop of blood of the Mujahideen spilled on this holy land.

In 1952, I was born in one of the tents in Khan Yunis, at a time when Palestine was divided into pieces and politics was erased from the maps. I am a person who has been reduced to fire and ashes. I am a person who realized early that living in the shadow of an invader is a permanent prison. Since I was a child, I have understood that this life is not an ordinary life, that a person born on this earth must live with an indomitable will and realize that the road to freedom is very long. My testament to you starts from here - from childhood, when we were the first to throw stones at those invaders, and when we realized that our language would come out with this kind of resistance.

During my life, I learned that a person's age here is not determined by years, but by what he has given to his country. Thus, my life was surrounded by imprisonment, war, bloodshed and unquenchable hope. I was arrested for the first time in 1988. Then the real criminals sentenced me to life imprisonment, but I was not afraid. On every wall of the dark dungeons I could see the horizon shining in the distance, every broken branch blossoming again. I realized that patience is not just a virtue, but it is a sharp weapon that can be sharpened from time to time. My bequest to you, don't be afraid of prisons. This is only a part of our long road to freedom. The years of imprisonment taught me that it is not just a right that can be taken away, but an idea that is born out of pain and is determined with patience. By God's will, when I was released from detention in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange, I became a completely different person. I was convinced that the path we took was not just a path of struggle, but that we had to fight until our last breath.

My bequest to you: with unbreakable pride and undying hope, do not lower your weapon. The enemy wants us to give up fighting. He invites endless agreements, but I say do not give up your will, do not agree. Don't compromise your rights by giving them up. Enemies fear your stability more than your weapons. The struggle is not only our bearing arms, but also our love for Palestine in every breath we take, our strong will despite the strong hostility of the enemy.

My will: stay loyal to the blood of the martyrs. They walked this thorny path and left it to us. They paved the way for our freedom with their blood. Don't destroy their courage by playing diplomatic games and political deceptions. We are here to continue what they started. No matter how much it costs us, we will not give up on this path. This land was and will remain the center of stability. Even if the land is hard for us, we will not give it up.

When I took over the leadership of Hamas in 2017, I aimed not just to move from position to position, but to continue the struggle that began with stones, with weapons. Every day I felt the pain of my people under siege. I knew very well that every step we took towards freedom would be paid for. But I can say that the price of giving up is much higher than that. Therefore, as a vein holds the earth, so hold this earth! The wind cannot uproot strong roots. Although I was not a leader in the Al-Aqsa flood, I was a voice that conveyed the truth to all Palestinians who want freedom. Imanim told me every minute that this struggle is not an imaginary thing, but rather a work that must be done. I wanted a new page to be written in the book of every Palestinian, against the enemy, against which people of all races stand united, and who does not spare both the young and the old. Because "Al-Aqsa flood" was a struggle for the soul before the bodies, and for the will before the weapons.

My last testament is to remember that struggle is not simple or just firing a gun, but that we live with honor and pride. During the arrest, I realized that the battle will continue for a long time, and the road is difficult. But I also learned that a nation that does not give up creates miracles with its own hands. Do not expect them to feed you with mercy from this world! I saw how the people of the world are silent in the face of the oppressions that are being carried out against us, I knew, I felt that. Don't wait for them to be honest. Let them expect honesty from you. Keep the Palestinian dream in your heart, make a weapon out of every wound, dig a spring of hope out of every drop of your tears! These were my wills to you. I repeat, do not put down your weapons! Don't forget your martyrs. Don't give up your rights. We will stay here. We are here in our hearts, in the lives of our future generations. I promise to hold fast to Palestine, our friend until death. Hold on to our mountain-like unyielding hopes. If I fall, don't fall together. Take away the flag of Islam from me, and build a bridge for posterity from my shed blood. May they grow stronger than our ashes.

Do not forget that the homeland is not a story to be told, but a life to be lived! From the ashes of every martyr, a thousand warriors will sprout here. Be a thorn in the throat of the enemies of Islam. Be the flood that will not stop until they admit that we are real, not just numbers on the news!

Yahya Sinvar

Translated by Ma'mur Mukhtar

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