Goodbye, thank you, the city of Gufran, goodbye,
Forgive our fault, good guest, farewell,
Because of the greetings and blessings of Allah, it is the Qur'an, goodbye,
Goodbye, O Merciful Truth, Goodbye.

We have been in need of your generosity for a few days.
We were happy with your Qur'an.
The devils were busy, thank you for your kindness,
In the sense of San Ato, we are your children.
You made us cry goodbye.

Your prayers were accepted day and night,
Praise be to God, you are our legacy, Messenger.
You were happy when you came and sad when you left,
Whenever the father decides to travel, he stays crying son,
Come back soon and make us happy, goodbye.

Shomdin's former commandments are forgiving to the poor,
Look at my friend, there is food in front of me, obi tahur,
I am waiting for the evening to come,
And pour pure light on the food,
I forgave him, no matter how much he did, good-bye.

It's a strange thing, but don't worry, dear,
Whoever respects you, I am safe in the world.
Yours sincerely, the chest of drawers is new, used clothes,
The owner is free to eat iftar.
Goodbye, good-bye, good-bye.

This body and soul of ours was illuminated by your respect.
Is our faith with the Qur'an clear?
We were sick, how many days did we have to take medicine?
Goodbye, O merciful Haq, we have many faults,
Jurmu, do my rebellion.

Who knows, when you go, the gift is a reward.
Goodbye now, I'm in a bad mood until I come back.
Who honors you, heaven's ego is incalculable,
I finished my essay, God bless you,
Farewell, good guest!

Fan Namangani

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