Why is Hamas not giving up?

"Those who are excited do not give in to despair. But those who swallow their anger and silently watch the injustice are sure to fall into depression. Depression gives a person nothing but weakness. Psychologist Mustafa Hijazi's words in this sense are not in vain.

During the war in Gaza, the Zionists, as always, used the propaganda of the West and the Israeli media. They portray the Palestinians who are fighting for their rights as terrorists. According to them, the invaders who are constantly bombing innocent people are civilized people, and Muslims are savages. Algerian psychologist Franz Fanon said that "it is a mistake to describe the rebellious behavior of people under colonialism as madness. It is a natural reaction against oppression." According to most psychologists, Hamas's fearless fight against the Israeli invasion had a positive effect on the ordinary people there, awakening their natural feelings of bravery against oppression. For example, you can watch the following video. In this video, the man who blew up the Israeli tank that killed dozens of Palestinians is jumping for joy.

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