The U.S. will provide an additional $53 million in aid to support humanitarian programs that provide much- needed aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank . The new package brings the total amount of American aid to Gaza during the conflict to $180 million .

The United States will provide an additional $53 million in aid to support humanitarian programs that provide much-needed aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank , The New York Times reports.

White House officials said the new package would bring the total amount of American aid to Gaza during the conflict to $180 million.

It is noted that the echoes of the events in the Gaza Strip are having an impact on the presidential elections in the distant USA. In particular, many Democratic voters in the state of Michigan, which has the largest population of Arab Americans, refused to support President Biden in the presidential primaries and expressed their dissatisfaction with the Biden administration's support for Israel.

Although Biden won the Michigan primary by a wide margin, the protests signal that he must change his position on Gaza, or face a negative impact on the results of the general election in November.

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