The United States and the European Union imposed sanctions on Benzi Gopstein, the founder and leader of the Lekhava organization, an extremist settler known for his attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

The US State Department has imposed sanctions against Benzi Gopstein, an extremist immigrant known for his group's attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, TRT reports .

On Friday, the United States imposed sanctions on extremist settler Benzi Gopstein, the founder and leader of the Lehava organization. This extremist group is known for its violent practices against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Gopstein's addition to the sanctions list was announced in a State Department statement. Gopstein is also a confidant of Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who is known for his far-right views.

"Under Gopstein's leadership , Lex Ava and its members engaged in acts or threats of violence against Palestinians, often targeting sensitive or unstable areas," the US State Department said in a statement.

Also, the US Treasury Department added two new organizations to the sanctions list - "Mount Hebron Fund" and "Shlom Asiraich". The agency accuses them of violating US sanctions against two other settlers.

The Mount Hebron Fund launched a fundraising campaign on behalf of the sanctioned Yinon Levy on February 1. The organization paid the equivalent of 140,000 dollars for him. The Shlom Asiraich organization, which provides legal services to Ben-Gvir's chief of staff, collected $31,000 for David Chasda , who was sanctioned on February 1 for violence in the occupied West Bank.

"We are deeply concerned about the escalation of violence in the West Bank in recent days and call on Israel to take all necessary measures to prevent attacks by extremist settlers and bring those responsible to justice," the US State Department said in a statement.

The European Union has also announced sanctions against a number of extremist organizations, including Lekhava , as well as other settlers who have carried out attacks against Palestinians.

Israel's minister Ben-Gvir said that US and European Union sanctions against Israel and settlers are "part of a blood libel by anti-Semitic elements who hate Israel."

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