The Russian government has refused to support the bill of State Duma deputy Vladislav Davankov, which would give schools and local governments the right to impose a local ban on religious clothing, TASS writes, referring to the government's official comment. As noted in the document, significant improvement of the draft law is necessary for its adoption. Davankov wants to give educational organizations the ability to locally prohibit the wearing of religious clothing or symbols, and city or regional deputies to locally prohibit the wearing of religious and other clothing that fully or partially hides the face in state organizations and public places. The Russian government drew attention to the lack of comments on the concepts of "religious dress", "clothing with religious attributes or religious symbols" in the legislation. Given this fact, it was noted that the amendments could "lead to an unclear law enforcement practice." Russian muftis have previously criticized the "Davankov Law" because of its ban on the hijab, which is part of the Islamic religion and is mandatory for women. At the same time, there are reports that students in some regions are not allowed to study because of hijab. In particular, Liliya Rakhmatullina, a student of Lyantor Oil College (LNT) in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, was not admitted to school because of her headscarf.

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