A schoolgirl from Uzbekistan won the final round of the World Olympiad of the German Language held on July 15-22. For almost thirty years, girls and women were required to take off the headscarf in order to study and work, but after some relief was given in the last period, it is becoming increasingly clear that Mastura women and girls have a strong potential for worldly knowledge.

However, Islamophobes are still insisting that religion should be opposed to worldly interests in order to humiliate, discredit, and, if necessary, ban our national and religious customs, traditions, and culture, and to turn away from religion as a guarantee of worldly success. There are various reasons for this.

The fact that there are no Muslims among the Nobel laureates is cited as one such reason.

In fact, there are almost no Muslims among the Nobel Prizes, the most famous award that honors universal achievements in the modern secular sciences. First, is this a problem of Islam? Second, is this a valid reason to renounce Islam or reduce religious background? Third, is the Nobel Prize really a symbol of human happiness? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

The Nobel Prize was founded in 1901, and every year it honors scientists who have performed universal works in such fields as physics, chemistry, literature, and peace. To date, the USA (411), Britain (137), and Germany (115) have the most Nobel Prize laureates. Among the Muslim countries, 2 scientists from Tunisia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Algeria, and 1 scientist from Bangladesh, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Yemen won this award. In general, more than half of the Nobel laureates come from the USA, Britain and Germany.

So, is the large number of Nobel laureates a symbol of the country's economy? According to the International Monetary Fund, the nominal gross domestic product of the United States, which has won the most Nobel Prizes, will be 26.9 trillion US dollars in 2023. The second place is occupied by China with 19.4 trillion US dollars. Although 411 American scientists have won the Nobel Prize to date, only 8 scientists from China have received this award. However, twice as many scientists from Hungary won the Nobel Prize than China.

If we continue the analysis in this way, it will become clear that the number of Nobel Prize winners has almost no connection with the country's economic, social and happiness indicators. However, a correlation can be seen between the amount of money a country spends on science and innovation and the ratio of the number of Nobel Prize winners. For example, the US government spends nearly one trillion US dollars annually on science development and innovation. Perhaps, if the US government followed our path and used the method of removing the headscarf, more Americans would have won the Nobel Prize, but the Americans are not yet aware of our tactics.

Currently, there are many international criteria that measure the scientific potential, outlook and skills of young people. In addition to the World Olympiad of the German language, it is true that today thousands of our Mastura women and girls are obtaining certificates such as IELTS, SAT, software engineering, sports and art. These results certainly proved our three decades of belief wrong. Maybe the USA is not our tactic to increase the number of Nobel laureates, and we will get better results if we use the USA's tactics?

Another aspect of the matter is that if we start our efforts to win the Nobel Prize with the criterion that "Nobel laureates have come from among Muslims" and for this reason we follow an uncompromising path such as restricting religious freedoms, discrediting our national and religious values, if we turn our backs on religion as a state, cinema, theater , sports and other entertainment areas should be followed in the same way. After all, until today we have not seen a single football player receive the Nobel Prize for his skillful game. However, the state does not spend a lot of money on culture and sports.

In fact, it is obvious that Nobel is an excuse and the real problem is Islamophobia. However, it is known that the number of Nobel laureates in the country alone is not the basis for bringing prosperity to the society.

Yesterday, the richest man in the world, the American businessman Elon Musk, the owner of large high-tech companies such as Tesla and SpaceX, made a statement on the social network that "my son is dead." According to Musk's treatment, his son was tricked into taking birth control pills. Otherwise, he was warned that his son might commit suicide. As a result, Ilon's son, who did not grow up to be a man, changed his gender and declared himself a woman.

Ilon called the US gender policy a "virus" and declared it a threat to "modern civilization". According to Musk, such a virus actually "divides people and sows seeds of hatred and self-hatred." - also announced that he decided to move from this state after the law prohibiting the notification of the mother was passed.

In conclusion, it can be said that the development of the society and the happiness of the people living in it is not only in the Nobel Prize or wealth, but also in its decoration with humanity, good manners and values. That's why economic prosperity of a person should not be equal to his spirituality.

Perhaps, given the right opportunities, well-meaning people will make a significant contribution to building a valuable society. After all, politicians who "kill" children do not emerge from spiritual people.

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