Among the subjects, Mujahid ibn Jabr, may God have mercy on him, says:

"The heart can be placed in the palm of a person; if a person commits one sin, one finger of his heart will be bent, and if he commits another sin, even another, and when all the fingers are bent, he will tighten it like a fist, and then he will be sealed..." Book of Hilyatul Awliya, 3/282.

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Makhul Dimashqi, may Allah have mercy on him:

"Those who commit the least sins are the most meek." Imam Ahmad's Book of Zuhd, page 463.

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Umar ibn Salih, may God have mercy on him, said: "I asked Ahmad ibn Hanbal:

- What softens the heart?

After looking at me, he answered:

- What would it be like, eating halal." Tabaqatul Hanobila, 1/219.

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Yahya ibn Muaz, may God have mercy on him:

"The food of hearts is zikr (remembrance of Allah), the food of minds is thought." History of Baghdad, 2/136.

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Masruq ibn Ajda, may God have mercy on him:

"Whoever makes Allah the guardian of his inner feelings, Allah will protect him in his actions." Sifatus Safwa, 4/368.

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Yahya ibn Muaz, may God have mercy on him:

"Hearts are like boiling cauldrons, and their ladles are tongues. Watch what a man says, because his tongue gives what is boiling in his heart: sweet, sour, bitter, sweet." Hilyatul Auliya, 10/63.

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Ibrahim Havvas, may God have mercy on him:

"The cure of the heart is five things: reciting the Qur'an with tadabbur (by memorizing the verses), emptying the stomach, night prayer, morning prayer, and sitting with the righteous." Zammul air, page 70.

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Ibn Rajab may Allah have mercy on him:

"The heart is the foundation of piety and its opposite, fujur. If the heart is chaste and pious, the members are also purified, and if the heart is corrupted, the members are also corrupted." Jamiul ulumi wal hikam, 1/229.

O Lord! Reform our hearts! Amen.

Ustaz Cayfullah Nasir

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