The chief mufti of Tajikistan, Saidmukarram Abduqadirzade, was attacked with a knife near the central mosque in the capital, Dushanbe. The assailant was caught, the chief mufti, who received a minor injury, was sent home after a medical examination.

The chief mufti of Tajikistan, Saidmukarram Abduqadirzada, was injured in an attack on September 11 near the central mosque in the capital Dushanbe, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

According to the Ministry, a person with "thug intent" stabbed the mufti with a "piercing object" after the prayer in the mosque. Mufti received minor injuries and was sent home after medical examination. The Ministry of Internal Affairs added that the attacker was captured. A criminal case has been initiated in connection with this situation and investigation is underway.

The injured mufti is 61 years old and has been leading the Council of Ulemas of Tajikistan since 2010. Mufti received religious education in Pakistan.

The Ulama Council is the highest body of Muslims in the republic. Only this organization has the right to issue a fatwa in the country .

In June, Tajikistan's parliament officially banned the wearing of the hijab and other "foreign clothing" after it passed a new bill regulating Islamic dress and the celebration of Ramadan. In March, the country's president , Emomali Rahman , called the hijab a "foreign garment". His government is trying to promote traditional Tajik national clothes as an alternative.

Under the new law, those wearing a hijab or other prohibited religious clothing can be fined 7,920 somanis (about $700). Government officials and religious figures face even higher fines of 54,000 to 57,600 somoni ($4,800 to $5,100) if found in violation.

In July, the country's government went even further and advised residents not to wear black clothing. The country's authorities are also unofficially discouraging men from growing thick beards. Rights activists criticized the decision of the Tajik authorities to wear the hijab as a violation of freedom of religion.

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