Following the rise of Islamophobia and hatred against Tajiks in Russia after the "Crocus" events, Tajiks are canceling their trips to Russia en masse. Russian airlines are reducing the number of flights from Tajikistan to the Russian Federation due to a sharp decrease in passenger traffic.

"Asia-Plus" reports that Russian airlines are reducing the number of flights from Tajikistan to Russia due to a sharp decrease in passenger traffic.

According to the publication, citizens of the republic are actively returning air tickets to Russia in connection with the terrorist attack on "Crocus City Hall".

According to Somon Air, an average of 20% of airline tickets are returned. In addition, the number of flights between the countries will also decrease due to the small number of passengers.

For example, the airline "Ural'skie avialinii" left only one flight to Russia according to its schedule, while before that it was making three flights a week.

Earlier, the State Duma of Russia called to stop inciting Islamophobia and phobia to Tajiks.

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