Russia and China have vetoed a United States-proposed UN Security Council resolution to support diplomatic efforts to end a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The representative of Russia called the US initiative hypocritical and emphasized that meaningless resolutions that do not require opening fire and lead nowhere will not be adopted.

Russia and China have vetoed a United States-proposed UN Security Council resolution to support diplomatic efforts to end a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said she regretted the veto of the resolution : " Russia and China simply did not want to vote for the resolution proposed by the United States, " he said.

Vasily Nebenzya, the permanent representative of Russia at the UN, criticized the American initiative, calling it "hypocrisy" and stressed that Russia does not support such a project.

"We have said that from now on we will not accept meaningless resolutions that do not include ceasefire demands and will not take us anywhere," he clarified.

Nebenzya also noted that non-permanent members of the Security Council had drafted an alternative resolution with specific demands for a ceasefire and the release of hostages.

The US draft resolution called for an "immediate and lasting ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides", to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid and to support negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

The Washington Post reports that the document criticizes restrictions on aid to Gaza, attacks on civilians and violations of international law. The resolution also calls for an attack on Rafah and warns of "serious consequences for regional peace and security".

It should be noted that the USA used the right to veto draft UN resolutions calling for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip prepared by Russia, the UAE and Algeria three times.

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