Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the country will face a shortage of employees and skills in the coming years. He banned the filling of looming labor market shortages at the expense of low-skilled immigrants. "We need other approaches," said the Russian president.

Russian President Vladimir Putin indicated that it will not be allowed to compensate for the impending shortage of personnel in the Russian labor market by using low-skilled foreign labor, Islam News reports.

According to the head of state, a shortage of personnel and skills is expected in Russia in the coming years. Putin called the approach of filling such a deficit with low-skilled labor migrants wrong, noting that it would not help to solve the problem.

"We need other approaches, " said the Russian president.

Previously, in the occupied Crimea, foreign citizens were prohibited from working in transport, production, IT, sports, recreation and other fields. Also, in Novosibirsk, Samara and Yakutia, a number of industries were "closed" for labor migrants.

Also, after the tragedy in "Crocus City Hall", it became known that 55-60 percent of Russians had a "definitely negative" opinion about migrant workers. Eight months ago, this figure was 40 percent.

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