As Russia faces a shortage of taxi drivers, companies are asking migrants to return to work.

Islannews website wrote that another sector of the Russian economy is facing a labor shortage.

It is noted that there is an acute shortage of taxi drivers in the country. In the autumn of this year, the number of vacant jobs in the industry is 72 thousand.

At the moment, drivers with licenses from Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and other countries where Russian is the official language can work as taxi drivers. Citizens of other countries must obtain a Russian driver's license.

The Taxi Development Council proposed to the Federation Council to allow migrants to work in taxis in order to correct the situation related to the shortage of drivers. "At the same time, they should be under strict control," says the text of the appeal to the Federation Council.

The Taxi Development Public Council was established in 2016. It includes heads of specialized associations, non-profit partnerships and taxi companies from different regions of the country. Currently, the geography of Council members includes more than 60 areas.

In our Tula region, as well as in the Tyumen, Magadan and Chelyabinsk regions and the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region, migrants are prohibited from working in taxis.

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