Polish authorities launched a special program to draft the army and prepare the population for a Russian invasion.

According to him, Poles are offered to "spend the holidays together with the army". The purpose of this is to prepare civilians for a possible war with Russia, writes the Associated Press news agency.

It is noted that the authorities want to fill the army with mercenaries in this way. Currently, there are about 200,000 people who want to participate in summer courses, and they are offered military service on a permanent basis (to continue the service of territorial defense).

"Thanks to Russia's aggressive policy, Poland is recruiting soldiers by holding holidays with the army," AP said.

Such events are held in 70 regions of Poland, including near the border of Russia and Belarus. Citizens between the ages of 18 and 35 can take part in it. The training lasts 28 days without holidays and volunteers are paid 6,000 zlotys ($1,500). Those who complete the course will be enrolled in the reserve.

Earlier, the Financial Times wrote about the acute shortage of military personnel in the European countries that are members of NATO. According to analysts, although the military has a total of 1.9 million people on paper, if the conflict with Moscow escalates, these countries will not be able to send more than 300 thousand people to the war.

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