Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollaheen met with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Monday in Islamabad. The parties announced that there are no border disputes between the two countries and plan to fight terrorism together.

Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollaheen met with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Monday in Islamabad.

Noting that the parties agreed to "cooperate in the fight against terrorism", he stressed the need to "eliminate and eliminate each other's concerns".

The head of the MFA of Pakistan noted that the main step of cooperation is to respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In turn , Abdullahi noted that the radical groups operating in the Iran-Pakistan border area are supported from outside.

" There is no doubt that the terrorists located in the border regions and territories of Iran and Pakistan are supported by third countries . However, thanks to the joint efforts of Tehran and Islamabad, we will not allow terrorists to attack the two countries ," he said.

The Iranian minister added that the two sides agreed to take further measures on border security and the fight against terrorism.

The ministers also agreed to create a mechanism at the level of foreign ministers to monitor progress in various areas of cooperation. According to him, regular meetings are held in Iran and Pakistan.

It should be noted that on January 16, relations between the two countries worsened after Iran carried out strikes against radical groups in Pakistan, and two days later, the Pakistani military announced that it opened fire on extremist positions in Iran. As a result, the ambassadors of the two countries were recalled, but they later returned to their jobs when the tension subsided.

Meanwhile, last Saturday, unknown persons shot dead nine Pakistani workers and injured three others in Iran's Sistan and Balochistan province. Pakistan demanded an investigation and swift punishment of the culprits.

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