1,534 members of criminal gangs have been arrested in Ecuador since the state of "internal armed conflict" was declared. In addition, 11 police officers detained by armed persons were released, 575 firearms and 478 improvised explosive devices, as well as about 5.6 tons of narcotics were confiscated.

1,534 members of criminal gangs have been arrested in Ecuador since the state of "internal armed conflict" was declared.

The operations are carried out in the framework of cooperation between the police and the military. During the operation, 5 members of the criminal group were killed , and two policemen were killed .

In addition, 11 police officers detained by armed persons were released , 575 firearms and 478 improvised explosive devices, as well as 5.6 tons of narcotics were confiscated.

We remind you that the Ecuadorian government declared a 60 - day state of emergency and imposed a curfew on January 9 after the escape of the leader of Ecuador's largest criminal gang " Los Choneros " , nicknamed "Fito" Jose Adol'fo Masias Villamar . .

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