Chairman of the Russian Security Council, ex-president Dmitry Medvedev, at the youth festival in Sochi, said that Ukraine belongs to Russia and showed an enlarged map of the borders of the Russian Federation. It divides most of Ukraine between Russia, Poland, Romania, and Hungary, and lists a portion the size of Kyiv Oblast as "Ukraine."

Addressing participants of a youth festival in Sochi on Monday, former President Dmitry Medvedev, chairman of Russia's Security Council, presented a map showing a large part of Ukraine divided between Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary. An area the size of Kiev region is designated as "Ukraine".

"One of the former leaders of Ukraine once said that Ukraine is not Russia. This concept should be completely eliminated. "Ukraine is definitely Russia," Medvedov said.

Medvedev also said that "the territory on both banks of the Dnieper is an integral part of the historical strategic borders of Russia."

However, Pridnestrovie is shown as part of Moldova on this map.

Medvedev stressed that Russia's "geostrategic space" cannot be separated from Ukraine, and any attempt to change it by force will fail.

"All our adversaries should understand the simple truth once and for all: the territories on both banks of the Dnieper are an integral part of Russia's strategic and historical borders," he said.

"The situation now is much worse than in 1962," Medvedev said, referring to the Cuban missile crisis.

"This is a full-scale war against Russia with American weapons and American special forces and American advisers. It is what it is,” he added.

Medvedev noted that Russia has no territorial disputes with neighboring countries , Pravda writes. According to the publication, it is only about Ukraine, which has become a threat to the existence of Russia, and "this is a signal for the rest of the CIS countries - behave yourself and everything will be fine."

"Today's neo-Nazi Ukraine is another futile attempt to realize the centuries-old dreams of the West," Medvedev said.

According to him, the main interest of the Russian Federation is not the acquisition of new lands, but competent, predictable, sovereign power in neighboring countries that acts for the welfare of its citizens and the international community.

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