At a time when the world is calling for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Jewish lawmakers have passed a bill denying Palestinian statehood altogether. "The Israeli Knesset strongly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state on the West Bank of the Jordan River," the document says.

Israel's parliament has passed a bill that completely denies Palestinian statehood. The draft law, developed in cooperation with Netanyahu's coalition and right-wing opposition parties, was adopted with an absolute majority of 68 votes.

"The Israeli Knesset strongly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state on the West Bank of the Jordan River," the resolution reads.

The bill also directly contradicts a statement by King Charles on Wednesday endorsing Britain's two-state policy.

It should be noted that the UN expert group called on all countries to recognize the Palestinian state in order to ensure peace in the Middle East.

Today, Palestine, which is a member of the UN, is recognized as a state by 147 countries of the world, including Uzbekistan (in 1994).


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