Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant has announced that clashes with the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon will continue even if a cease-fire agreement is reached in the Gaza Strip .

Even if a cease-fire agreement is reached in the Gaza Strip, clashes with the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon will continue. This was announced by Israeli Defense Minister Yo Av Galant.

"Even if Israel stops attacking Gaza, it will not stop attacking Hezbollah in the north. If Hezbollah thinks that when the war ends in the south (in Gaza) that (the war) ends in the north, it is wrong," said the head of the Ministry of Defense, Yedioth Ahronot, in a video message published by the publication.

"I make it clear that the attacks here will not stop until there is a situation where people can live safely in the northern part," he added.

Since October 8, 2023, clashes between the Hezbollah movement and the Israeli army have been ongoing on the border. Losses in the Israeli army amount to 10 people, and from Hezbollah 177 people.

In addition, 30 civilians from Lebanon and six from Israel were killed as a result of the ongoing clashes.

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