Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir accused the administration of US President Joe Biden of harming Israel's military operations . He said that if Donald Trump wins this year's elections, the US will give Israel more freedom to destroy Hamas.

US President Joe Biden's administration is harming Israel's military operations, Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

If former US President Donald Trump is elected president again in this year's elections, "it will give Israel more freedom to destroy Hamas ," the minister said.

"Instead of fully supporting Israel, Biden is busy sending fuel and humanitarian aid to Gaza, which is falling into the hands of Hamas. "If Trump were in power, the position of the United States would be completely different," said the head of the Israeli ministry .

At the same time , Israeli political circles are dissatisfied with Ben-Gvir's statements criticizing the administration of US President Joe Biden.

"We may have differences even with our biggest and most important ally, but they should be resolved in the appropriate forums, not through irresponsible statements in the media, " Benny Gantz , a member of Israel's military cabinet, wrote on the X social network.

Gantz said Ben-Gvir's statements would damage Israel's strategic relations, national security and military efforts in the current situation.

Instead of solving internal security issues, Ben-Gvir has greatly damaged Israel's international relations, he said.

Ben-Gvir's interview with the WSJ directly harmed Israel's international reputation, military operations and security, Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid said. It is clear that Ben-Gvir does not understand anything about foreign policy, he wrote on the X social network . He also noted that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is incapable of taking control of the extremists in his government.

Speaking at a parliamentary session on January 31, Ben-Gvir reiterated his disapproval of the government's agreement with Hamas on a cease-fire and prisoner exchange in the Gaza Strip.

Criticizing the US for putting pressure on Israel in this regard, the minister said, "Israel is not a banana country . "

"Did the Americans start ruling Israel without warning?" In this case, we can officially pretend that the Israeli government is making the decisions, but that means we lose. Maybe the left wants that too. "Maybe they want Biden to lead us," the minister said.

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