One of the mosques in Montreal. Illustrative photo.

Islamophobic pictures were mailed to a mosque in Montreal, Canada , one of which contained a death threat , Middle East Monitor reports.

"These pictures are hateful, they represent racism," said Yaser Lakhlu, a lawyer at the National Council of Muslims (NCCM).

One of the images depicts an obscene scene of a pig and a man wearing a turban looking towards Mecca. In all three drawings, the mosque is enclosed in a circle and shown separately.

The pictures were sent in connection with the beginning of the month of Ramadan, when Muslims fast and visit mosques. The National Muslim Council of Canada has called on law enforcement and authorities to take action to protect Muslims and stop the rise of Islamophobia in the country.

At the end of January, we reported that the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, expressed concern about the increasing cases of Islamophobia in the country. The head of the government called the current situation unacceptable and expressed confidence that the country's citizens will make all necessary efforts to "feel safe in their homes, neighborhoods and places of worship."


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