Iran's Council of Ministers signed a visa cancellation letter with Tajikistan. According to this letter, citizens of Tajikistan can stay in the country without a visa for up to 30 days. For this, it is required to fly only by air, only from Dushanbe to Tehran. The visa cancellation date will be announced soon.

On June 30, Iran's Council of Ministers signed and published a visa cancellation letter with Tajikistan. This was reported by "Asia-Plus" with reference to the Iranian embassy in Tajikistan.

According to this letter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran has been entrusted with the task of implementing the visa waiver rules between Iran and Tajikistan.

At the same time, Iran has put forward several conditions under which "visa-free" travel between the countries will begin to work:

- visa-free stay: 30 days;

- form of travel: only by air;

- route: only from Dushanbe to Tehran and back;

- validity condition: the visa-free regime is valid in case of bilateral observation.

The visa waiver date will be announced soon

Noting that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan is aware of the decision of the Iranian side, it said that "relevant documents are being considered at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, after which our side will be officially informed about it. "

They added that the date of entry into force of the visa-free regime will be determined only after the completion of the document preparation process.

According to the information of the Iranian embassy in Tajikistan, the Council of Ministers of Iran signed a letter between Tajikistan and Iran on the cancellation of the visa regime during the lifetime of the former president of the country, Ibrahim Raisi. But the death of Ibrahim Raisi delayed this issue until July 1.

According to the Iranian Embassy in Tajikistan, the Foreign Ministries of Iran and Tajikistan are currently discussing the issues of preparation.

The cancellation of the visa regime between Tajikistan and Iran is related to the recent visit of the late Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi to Dushanbe. During his visit in November 2023, a memorandum on visa cancellation was signed.

At the time, it was said that the visa-free regime would officially come into effect after internal procedures were completed. However, so far this process has not been fully completed on both sides.

After the presidents signed the memorandum, the details were published in the single information and legal resource of the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan. The document states that the purpose of canceling the visa is to develop friendly relations.

According to the document, the citizens of the two countries will be allowed to visit each other without a visa for a period of 30 days for commercial, business, tourist purposes, as well as for the transportation of goods and passengers by drivers of any vehicles.

"However, citizens of two countries who wish to study, work or engage in journalistic activity in another country must obtain a visa," the document says.

According to the memorandum, the parties may deny visa-free entry to "inadmissible persons" without explanation or stop such persons from residing in their territory. The parties may also suspend the provisions of this memorandum in whole or in part "for the purpose of ensuring public order, national security and public health".

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