Midfielder Mahamadou Diawara has left the French youth team after being banned from taking an iftar break during a football match in France.

Islam News writes that the French Football Federation has become the center of controversy and criticism after banning the suspension of matches for breaking the fast.

Earlier this year, the federation warned football clubs, referees and match organizers not to allow breaks in matches due to breaking the fast for Muslims who are fasting during Ramadan.

"France continues to be the champion of anti-Muslim behavior. A "wonderful" display of sportsmanship from the future hosts of the Olympic Games," Time quotes Shirin Ahmed, a Canadian sports journalist and human rights defender.

Young midfielder Mahamadou Diawara left the French youth team in response to the ban on breaking the fast during matches.

"The players are unhappy with this decision," said an agent who represents several players of the French national team on condition of anonymity.

"Everything Is Football" podcast was also not indifferent to the decision of the football federation: "Muslim players playing in the French national team should refuse to participate in the national team until this decision is reversed." "You'll see how quickly France changes its ways when it realizes that it can't field a good national team without a lot of African athletes with dual citizenship . "

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