It was decided to ban the employment of foreign citizens in a number of sectors in Crimea. Among them are transport, production, IT , sports and recreation. Earlier in Novosibirsk, Samara and Yakutia, a number of industries were "closed" for migrant workers.

After Yakutia, the administration of Crimea also decided to ban the employment of foreign citizens in a number of fields, reports Islam News.

According to the head of the republic Sergey Aksenov, the restrictions will be valid for six months and will affect 35 types of economic activity.

We are talking about such areas as transport, trade, agriculture, manufacturing, education, information technology, mass media, sports and recreation.

He noted that this measure is aimed at restoring order in the field of labor migration.

According to the decision , temporary work permits issued to migrants in Crimea will contain the clause "occupation".

Previously , in Novosibirsk region, the right of immigrants to trade (selling drinks and tobacco) and work in private transport (taxi driving), in Samara region - to work in public transport, education and taxi driving was limited. In February, the government of Yakutia banned migrant workers from working in various sectors such as taxi driving, freight transportation, courier and warehouse activities.


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