24-hour "call-centers" for citizens abroad in embassies, partial reimbursement of expenses for work visa, travel ticket, foreign language and professional qualification assessment, financial assistance for citizens returning from foreign migration and other proposals - proposals to the President of Uzbekistan aimed at supporting labor migrants presentation was made.

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was presented with proposals aimed at regulating migration and supporting labor migrants.

The Foreign Labor Migration Agency under the Ministry of Labor will become a management body in the form of a state institution.

The director of the agency will be the deputy minister of labor at the same time. He also manages the support fund for labor migrants.

In the embassies and consulates of Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Japan, the position of labor migration attaché and representative of the agency in Saudi Arabia will be introduced.

24-hour "call-centers" are established in embassies and relevant ministries to quickly resolve the issues of citizens abroad.

The principle of "work abroad - from the neighborhood" will be introduced. In this case, the mayor's assistant, the youth leader identifies a citizen who wants to work abroad and enters it into the "Online Mahalla" platform. Candidates are attracted to overseas employers' competitions.

Vocational education and targeted training of citizens who do not have professional qualifications and do not know the language in professional educational institutions will be launched. For this purpose, a center for training citizens in foreign languages and training for work will be opened at the Foreign Labor Migration Agency.

Migrants ' expenses for work visa, road ticket, foreign language and professional qualification assessment are partially covered.

A citizen who has received an international or equivalent certificate in a foreign language will be reimbursed 50% of the expenses spent on language learning.

Based on the experience of Saykhunabad , citizens who have returned from foreign migration are provided with financial support and other types of employment services to grow crops on their farms and earn income.

Medical institutions provide free medical examinations to persons returning from migration and their family members.

"Inson" centers provide social assistance to children whose parents work abroad.

Enterprises that employ returnees from labor migration will receive a monthly subsidy of 500,000 soums for each employee from the Employment Assistance Fund for one year. 100 billion soums will be allocated for these activities from all sources for this year.

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