Bangladesh's interim government has decided to give army officers special trial rights (jurisdiction) across the country for the next 60 days .

This was announced in the memorandum of the Ministry of State Administration . The document stipulates that qualified army officers will perform executive judicial duties under the supervision of judges in different regions of the country.

Lt. Col. Sami al-Daula Chowdhury, Director of Public Relations of the Bangladesh Army, said that these powers were given to the army because the police structure is still not fully performing its duties, as well as sporadic (infrequent) acts of subversion .

Notably, the army has been serving as a law enforcement agency since July 19 this year, and its role has been welcomed on the streets of Bangladesh.

Let's recall that in July, large-scale protests began in the country after the government's decision to allocate a 30 percent quota for civil service jobs to the families of independence war veterans. The protests led to the ouster of Hasina, who has ruled for 15 years and was last re-elected to a fourth term in January this year.

More than 280 people have been killed since the mass protests began. After riots that left hundreds dead, the country's Supreme Court struck down job quotas.

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