The leadership of the Harvard University students in the USA sent a complaint about the fact that Islamophobia cases on campus and in classrooms, including threats and attacks against Palestinian, Arab and Muslim students, are being ignored. Students are supported by the Muslim American Foundation .

The students of the Harvard University of the USA sent a complaint to the Office of Civil Rights of the US Department of Education due to the fact that cases of Islamophobia are being ignored by the administration of the university .

WBUR reports that a complaint filed with the support of the Muslim Legal Foundation of America (MLFA) alleges that HE officials did not respond adequately to threats, harassment and attacks on Palestinian, Arab and Muslim students on campus and in classrooms.

According to the MLFA statement , the complaint was filed on behalf of eight students from several Harvard schools, including some Muslim and non-Arab pro-Palestinian allies.

MLFA general counsel Christina J a mp, who filed the complaint on behalf of the students, said Harvard was "failing to address the problem of religious discrimination and religious persecution." According to J a mp, when Harvard students reported incidents of Islamophobia, university administrators dismissed the complaints or never contacted the students about the issues and ignored them.

For example, he said, nearly all eight participating students faced severe consequences for wearing the kufiya, a traditional Palestinian headscarf, on campus.

"They were stopped, harassed and harassed by other Harvard students, Harvard administrators, professors and other Harvard staff," Jump said in an interview Monday. ".

Harvard declined to comment on this latest complaint. After months of campus controversy and the ouster of a former president, interim superintendent Alan Garber announced earlier this month the creation of new task forces to combat Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

It is noted that complaints are processed slowly and opaquely in the Department of Education. But according to J a mp, the students hope that this complaint will lead to some changes.

A federal lawsuit filed by Jewish students earlier this month accused Harvard of allowing anti-Semitism to grow unchecked on its campuses .

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