It has been 2 20 days since Israel launched its war of aggression and destruction in the Gaza Strip . 24 hours of major events in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the entire Middle East.

The invaders continue to carpet bomb the Jabalia camp, Rafah and Zaytun area. 63 people died in one day. Since the beginning of the war, 35,034 people have been martyred, 78,755 people have been wounded.

▪In the West Bank, invaders stormed Nablus, where 11 Palestinians were injured. Bethlehem, Ramallah and Qalqilya were also attacked.

▪Resistance fighters are fighting on three fronts: Jabalia, Zaytun and Rafah. The invaders admitted that they suffered the worst losses since the beginning of the war - 50 invaders were killed and wounded. 8 tanks were disabled. Askalan and Sderot are attacked.

▪ In the Zaytin region, resistance fighters wounded the invader General Yogav Bar-Shishtani.

▪After intense night attacks, occupation tanks entered Jabaliya, Sabra and Zeytun districts. In the Jabalia area, the attackers fired at the ambulances that came to evacuate the wounded.

▪UN: About 300,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah to other dangerous areas of Gaza.

▪Talal Abi Zarifa, a senior member of the political bureau of the Democratic Front, was martyred as a result of the attack on the center of Gaza.

▪Egypt said it will formally join South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, which accuses Israel of violating its obligations over the Gaza Strip.

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