At the top of such institutions are the United Nations, the United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice.
The current state of the world is designed to benefit supporters of a failed world order, allowing them to have their way and escape responsibility for their actions.
This system not only makes a mockery of established systems and laws, but also undermines the confidence of the entire world community.
The crisis of modernity
There is one set of criteria for the powerful, rich and violent "fathers" of the pervasive international order, and another set of criteria for the commoners who fall victim to their manipulative and violent tactics.
If we look closely, it is easy to see that practically nothing has changed from the socio-political dynamics of ancient and medieval times. First it was slavery, then feudalism, and finally liberal capitalism, all of which created weak evolutionary barriers and simply promoted the same ideals and goals and resorted to similar "modi operandi" (a particular way of doing things).
And if we talk about political systems and methods of government, it is first an absolute monarchy, then an oligarchy and a dictatorship, and finally an imaginary democracy, all of which, in principle, repeat the dark signs and hints of a socio-political evolutionary system that promoted the same motives and aspirations.
This means that neither man nor his methods of regulation have changed over the centuries. While there is some effort to explain the misrepresented changes in the dynamics of global collective behavior, the undeniable fact is that human development has, in general, been associated with antagonism, aggression and domination, which has been the cause of many years of war and bloodshed. .
It is no secret that what drives the thinking and behavior of modern man and his chauvinistic societies is based on collective antagonism, material or immaterial colonialism, pseudo-cultural and inhuman occupation and relativism.
In times of ideological uncertainty and existential insecurity, the only means of dealing is the use of force. The basis of this is materialism, which is the only object of institutional worship. It is hostile to man's desires and to the sacred, and ultimately causes the devaluation of mass existence by destroying the values that serve as the only source of motivation for his future life.
In this way, globalization has become a battlefield for an ideological world war, where a wide range of ideas, worldviews, and systems are constantly at odds with each other. Without respite or solutions, the modern and postmodern era has become the bloodiest and cruelest era. In the name of material progress and civilization, modern man has been and continues to perfect the methods of wrong and immoral behavior and corruption on a global scale. It has become an agent of mass destruction and a mass killing machine.
Therefore, it would be a mistake to consider the 20th and the first quarter of the 19th century as the peak of humanity and the trajectory of its civilization. Perhaps, it is appropriate to consider this period as a period in which both humanity and civilization were rapidly declining and approaching the brink of extinction. In fact, this period can be called the period of modern primitiveness or primitive modernism.
The tragedy of Gaza as a symbol of violations of the modern era
The Palestinian issue in general, and the ongoing Gaza crisis in particular, represent the dark, dark side of modern times. Contexts (siyak) serve as battlegrounds for the strong against the weak, the virtuous against the evil, the dishonest against the dishonest, and the tyranny against freedom.
It is fair to say that the direct perpetrators of the crimes in Palestine are the Zionists who represent the satanic nationalism and political ideology of Zionism. The institutionalized West and the equally satanic layers of its magnificent civilization are actively supporting and supporting them.
All the ideological and civilizational ills of modern times have been fully manifested in Palestine, from the superiority complex and socio-cultural identity to the concepts of imperialism, subjugation and hegemony.
The Palestinian land, which is under the judgment of the lying and deceitful policies of the West and Israel as an obedient and manly pawn, and the complete and brutal destruction of the lives and hopes of the people there, embodies the unprecedented tragedy and horror that has been on the world stage, especially since the beginning of the 20th century.
In the end, the Palestinian property, life, dreams and dignity were considered to be of no importance, completely trampled, deprived of value. As the West-Israel coexists with the satanic aspirations of the Axis of Evil, the existence of Palestine remains in question. The land and people of Palestine will be deprived of name and face. They do not have a specific personality and are not considered worthy of a name.
In the eyes of Israel and its Western allies, the greatest "crime" committed by the Palestinian people is that they stand in the way of the most sophisticated form of colonialism. Along the way, they are physically destroyed, erased from maps as well as from the annals of history and collective human memory. In a way, Palestine and Palestinians are living in the "wrong" place at the "wrong" time.
Gaza and the destruction of the value of human life
The tragic events in Gaza, while heartbreaking and heartbreaking, are proving to be a dividing line. In the Gaza Strip, truth is clearly separated from lies, culture from barbarism, sanity from insanity, and humanity from evil. The concepts of human dignity and the richness of human life in Palestine have been trampled by the Zionists. The Zionists paid no attention to the Palestinians and their common interests.
One of the main tenets of Judaism (at least in principle) - like Christianity and Islam - is that all human life is sacred, so one wonders how such evil thinking and behavior could exist among them. As the creation of Almighty God, humanity transcends the parameters of religion, race and culture. It operates on a different level, with a different set of rules.
People may follow different religions, belong to different ethnic groups, and observe different socio-cultural norms—all of which are dictated by physical and metaphysical laws established by the Creator of humans, earth, and the entire universe—while none of these are in any way superior to the other. , that is, it does not affect or interfere with the laws embedded in the nature and humanity of different groups of people.
Special attention is paid to this aspect of humanity. In our religion, it is honored, blessed and appreciated. Undoubtedly, respecting creation is equal to glorifying the Creator, and insulting it is equal to disobedience to the Creator.
The sanctity of human life is an existential universal law
Our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us that God created Adam in His own image as the father of mankind (Sahih Muslim). It goes without saying that there is no need to understand this hadith either directly or in human terms, since "There is nothing like Him" (Surah Shu'aro, verse 11), but this hadith is the creation of man in the most beautiful form (Surah Tiyn, 4). verse) and asserts that since the beginning of life, humanity has been given a special status in the ontological matrix of life and a central being, where it fulfills a unique function.
Thus, the universality of human dignity and the sanctity of life are undeniable truths. This universal law is the main content of man's existence on earth and the revelations of God through the Holy Qur'an. Revelation serves as the ultimate guide and guide for that law.
This powerful law about the inviolability of human life was put in the first place during the events related to the first man on earth and prophet Adam and his family. What for? Because they, like the first people on earth, had to set the standards to which they had to adhere, they had to set the standard for posterity.
The law was passed down from generation to generation, it was revived in the era of each prophet, special attention was paid to it. Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, as the messenger of the last message, guaranteed that the law will remain on the foundation and will retain its value and importance until the end of the world.

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