The former head of Harvard University stated that he received insults and death threats after the actions held in support of Palestine in the territory of OTM.

Former Harvard University President Claudine Guy said she received death threats via e-mail after testifying in Congress following her advocacy of free speech at the university on the Palestinian-Israeli war, Reuters reported.

Gay made the announcement in a New York Times op-ed on Wednesday, a day after he resigned amid pressure from Harvard's Jewish community and Congress, as well as allegations about his academic performance.

"My character and intelligence were questioned. My commitment to the fight against anti-Semitism was questioned. My inbox was flooded with insults, including death threats . "I've been called the N-word many times," he wrote in an article titled "What Happened at Harvard Is Bigger Than Me."

Let's recall that on December 5, in addition to Claudine Gay, Elizabeth Magill, the former chancellor of the University of Pennsylvania, and Sally Krblut, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, gave a statement in front of the members of the US House of Representatives due to the growing sentiment among students against Israel's attacks in Gaza. After this hearing, the Israel lobby managed to fire Elizabeth Magill, president of the University of Pennsylvania.

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