Pro-Palestinian students marched into the university's historic Hamilton Hall building

Tensions are rising at Columbia University (New York, USA) after pro-Palestinian students entered historic Hamilton Hall.

Students barricaded the doors and windows of Hamilton Hall with chairs and tables after Columbia University officials announced the end of a Palestinian solidarity camp on campus and disciplinary action would be taken against students who did not vacate the site.

In response to the incidents, university officials on Tuesday severely restricted access to the campus, leaving only one entrance open for key staff and students living in school housing.

The students blockaded the occupied building throughout the night and called on their social networks to "support them in defending the building from the university administration until their demands are met."

- After 56 years, the historic building was again occupied by anti-war students

A banner reading "Free Palestine" in English and Arabic hangs in the window of Hamilton Hall on the Amsterdam Street side.

First occupied by students protesting the Vietnam War in 1968, the historic building was reoccupied 56 years later by anti-war students fighting for Palestinian freedom and in response to Israel's killing of civilians in Gaza.

So far, the parties have not announced whether a new meeting between Columbia University administration and the rumored 200 or so students will take place, while US media have focused on possible police involvement.

- Demonstrations in support of Palestine at US universities

In mid-April, Palestinian students at Columbia University staged a sit-in in the university courtyard to protest Israel's attacks on Gaza and its continued financial investment in companies that support the occupation.

On the second day of protests, the administration asked the NYPD to help disperse the protesters, and police entered the campus and arrested 108 students.

The incident at Columbia University reignited the debate over restrictions on "free speech" for Palestinian students at US universities that began after October 7, 2023, and student protests in response to the arrests spread to other universities across the country.

Student demonstrations in support of Palestine continue at more than 50 major US universities. In the last 2 weeks, the police have arrested more than 1,000 students, as well as several teachers.

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