Demonstrations in support of Palestine and against military aid to Israel continue at leading US universities. Due to student protests, Columbia University has moved to distance learning, and Harvard has closed its doors to staff and students alike.

In the leading universities of the USA, there are mass student protests against support for Palestine and military aid to Israel. Arab News writes that the students are demanding the leadership of universities to condemn Biden's policy towards Palestine.

Due to student protests, Columbia University switched to distance learning, Yale University arrested dozens of young people who disagreed with US politics, and Harvard closed its doors to all but students and staff.

Student support for Palestine gained momentum last week when students camped out on the Columbia University campus. The camp was broken up by the police and many students, including Congressman Ilhan Omar's daughter, were expelled from school, but this only added fuel to the fire.

There are currently pro-Palestinian movements at Ivy League universities , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York, Michigan, and many other universities. Katie Manning of the Jewish Law Student Association complained that protesters occupying a third of the lawn in front of Columbia University called for the destruction of Israel and chanted "Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea."

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