According to new information, many Arab countries and companies are supporting the occupiers by supplying oil and fuel products to Israel in its offensive against the Gaza Strip. According to the report, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are two other countries that are friendly to Israel and have supplied most of the occupiers' crude oil since the Gaza offensive began.

According to new information, many Arab countries and companies are supporting Israel in its offensive against the Gaza Strip by supplying the invaders with oil and fuel products during the ongoing conflict, Middle East Monitor reported.

According to a report by Oil Change International, new data tracking the supply chains of crude oil and petroleum products to Israel has revealed, unsurprisingly, that the supplier of jet fuel imported to the Israeli military is the United States. USA: Three tankers of JP8 jet fuel have been delivered to Tel Aviv since the start of the war.

The jet fuel, specially designed for warplanes, is reportedly part of the massive US military aid to the occupation administration, which has become a key component in Israel's airstrikes against Palestinians in the besieged sector.

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are two other countries that are friendly to Israel and have supplied the occupiers with most of their crude oil since the start of the Gaza offensive. A large number of companies, including BP, Chevron, Exxon, Shell and Eni, which own and operate pipelines used to transport oil from these countries, are suspected of being involved in the supply of oil.

Another major source of crude oil imports to Israel is the Sumed pipeline, which brings "infrequent but regular" fuel from Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iraq and Egypt. All these countries condemned Israel's military actions in Gaza.

Russia is another country that has played a role in Israel's fuel supply, as it regularly supplies vacuum gas oil (VGO), which is usually processed into gasoline and diesel, to its main refinery in Haifa.

Brazil is also included in the list: since December, a total of 260,000 tons of Brazilian crude oil has been delivered to Israel in two batches. The oil was originally obtained from offshore fields owned by Shell and TotalEnergies, as well as the Brazilian state company Petrobras.

It is noted that the information sheds more light on the role of the many countries and multinational companies that provide Israel with the fuel it needs to bombard Gaza and continue to invade the sector.

It comes as activists and human rights defenders are increasingly calling on governments and companies to impose an energy embargo on Israel, cut off all fuel supplies to the occupying state until it ends its assault on Gaza and the countless war crimes it has committed there, the report said.

"Countries, as well as oil and gas companies, must be held accountable for their role in violence and human rights abuses," the report said. Ellie Rosenbluth, Director of Oil Change International's US Program, stated that they are "fueling the Israeli war machine" and "participating in the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people."

"We call on countries to use their oil reserves as a tool to demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to the occupation. Fossil fuel companies like BP, Chevron, and Exxon are willing to instigate conflict against innocent citizens for the sole purpose of profit. This needs to stop today. We demand a permanent ceasefire and an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine," he said.

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