Ahmadinejad will run for the presidency again

The former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has decided to run again for the position of the supreme government, the state television of the Islamic Republic reports. Earlier, it was known that one of the candidates in the upcoming elections will be a woman.

A day ago, the politician visited the election headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to register as a candidate for the presidential election.

Earlier, it was known that one of the candidates in the upcoming elections will be a woman.

Zohreh Elakhian, former speaker of the parliament Ali Larijani, former head of the Central Bank Abd-ol Nasir Hemmati, representative of the Supreme Leader of Iran in the Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili and former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGS, elite units of the Iranian Armed Forces) General Seyed Vahid Hagganyan are candidates. is expected to be displayed.

At the moment, an international conference on Palestine called "Oppressed but Resisting Gaza" is being held in Tehran with the participation of a delegation from Russia.

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