Afghanistan's Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Corruption has reported on its activities over the past year, including the fight against women's trafficking and music. In particular, 205 crimes related to trafficking in women were prevented, 25 wineries were closed, and more than 21,000 musical instruments were destroyed.

Afghanistan's Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Corruption has reported on its activities over the past year, including the fight against women's trafficking and music.

According to the Ministry, more than 300 cases of forced marriages where girls are married off to other families to settle disputes have been prevented. In addition, 205 crimes related to trafficking in women were terminated.

The Ministry also provided information on the fight against prohibited practices in Afghanistan. In particular, during the past year:

More than 21,000 musical instruments were destroyed;

25 wineries closed;

90% of materials published in print and electronic media were censored;

about a thousand people engaged in making amulets and witchcraft were arrested and brought to court.

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